Treating The Whole You.
Elizabeth Rosner, M.D.
Dr. Rosner has specialized training in psychopharmacology to treat a wide range of psychiatric disorders including: ADHD, depression, anxiety disorders including obsessive compulsive disorders, bipolar disorders and eating disorders. Dr. Rosner also specializes in bariatric surgery evaluations.
Dr. Rosner holds licenses in multiple states including:
California, Washington DC, Maryland and Virgina and can therefore see patient in those regions via telehealth.
Dr. Rosner understands the daily stressors of a busy schedule. Adding yet another commitment to come to mental health appointments may be an additional source of stress.
Throughout Dr. Rosner's career, she has come to recognize a problem in our healthcare system that prioritizes treating the most amount of people in the shortest amount of time. Dr. Rosner believes that in doing so, the individual person often gets lost in a set of standardized symptoms.
The length of the initial consultations are between 60-90 minutes. The length of time between the initial consultation and the first follow-up session ranges from 4 to 6 weeks depending on your needs.